NGO CSW63 Forum Updates – Calling All Designers!

NGO CSW63 Forum Updates – Calling All Designers!

Have your artwork prominently featured at the largest annual NGO Forum held at the United Nations.

We are gearing up for the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women in 2019!

Held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 11-22 March, 2019
Thousands of representatives from Governments, NGOs and Women’s Organizations worldwide

All working to advance Human Rights for Women and Girls.

Click here to learn more about the NGO CSW63 Forum

Your artwork should incorporate the CSW63 Priority Theme: Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

Visit UN Women website here for more information.

NGO CSW63 Forum: Parallel Event Application

Latest update for NGO CSW63 Forum: Parallel Event Application

  • Priority theme: Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls;
  • Review theme: Women’s empowerment and the link to sustainable development (agreed conclusions of the sixtieth session);

After reviewing your suggestions, we have made some changes and improved our application process.
We hope this will allow more time for you to organize your event, apply for your visa if needed and arrange financing.
We will share suggestions on the visa interview process and provide invitation letters to our NGO Forum if needed.

All applications will be reviewed to determine the relationship of the proposed parallel event to the priority and/or review theme and its relevance to advancing gender equality post conference. Selected parallel events will be scheduled for a 90-minute slot Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 6:15pm during 11-22 March.

New dates to be aware of:

Application opens: 15 October 2018
Application deadline: 9 November 2018
Notification of your application: 30 November 2018
Confirmation of event acceptance: 4 January 2019

We look forward to working with you to create a meaningful experience for everyone. We will notify you by email of accepted parallel events by 30 November. If your event is not accepted, you will receive a full refund.

Further information can be found at:

CSW 2019 Deadlines


Dear Feminists!

Even though it feels months away, there are already important upcoming deadlines for CSW 2019 (11 to 22 March 2019)!

Full information about NGO participation can be found here:

CSW63 registration for NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) will be open online via the United Nations Indico registration system from 9 October 2018 to 27 January 2019.

Submission of written statements will be open for NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC from 1 October to 22 October 2018 via United Nations CSO-net. The link to the sign-up form will be posted here on 1 October 2018.

Sign up for NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC to express interest in delivering an oral statement during the general discussion will be open online from 24 January to 18 February 2019. The link to the sign-up form will be posted here on 24 January 2019.

Sign up for NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC wishing to express interest in intervening from the floor during an interactive panel will be open online from 24 January until 18 February 2019. The link to the sign-up form will be posted here on 24 January 2019.

The Expert Group Meeting for CSW 2019 recently took place in New York and information about it, including two background papers and the program of work, can be found here:


Vale Kofi Anan

We are sad to report on the passing of Kofi Annan.

Statement by the Secretary-General on the passing of former Secretary-General Kofi Annan

Kofi Annan was a guiding force for good. It is with profound sadness that I learned of his passing. In many ways, Kofi Annan was the United Nations. He rose through the ranks to lead the organization into the new millennium with matchless dignity and determination.

Like so many, I was proud to call Kofi Annan a good friend and mentor. I was deeply honoured by his trust in selecting me to serve as UN High Commissioner for Refugees under his leadership. He remained someone I could always turn to for counsel and wisdom — and I know I was not alone. He provided people everywhere with a space for dialogue, a place for problem-solving and a path to a better world. In these turbulent and trying times, he never stopped working to give life to the values of the United Nations Charter. His legacy will remain a true inspiration for all of us.

My heartfelt condolences to Nane Annan, their beloved family, and all who mourn the loss of this proud son of Africa who became a global champion for peace and all humanity.

New York, 18 August 2018

CSW62: Asia Pacific and Asia Pacific Women’s Watch (APWW) Joint DRAFT Statement to CSW62 Session

Download 2018 CSW 62 APNGO Caucus Statement PDF

Asia Pacific and Asia Pacific Women’s Watch (APWW) Joint DRAFT Statement to CSW62 Session

Rural women are left behind in development and modern technology including ICT and due to this, they are not equipped with necessary skills to face changing world of work in this E -era.

Rural women are marginalized furthered by IT world as they lack access and opportunity that promotes the empowerment of rural women. Possibilities of emerging opportunities should include such as ICT, technologies and entrepreneurship opportunities targeted at rural women
in our region.

Across the Asia and Pacific Region it is essential to develop strong and sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels.

We women from the Asia and Pacific Region call on for governments, the private sector and civil society to

  •  Provide policy service and support to increase women’s resilience from disaster, such as earthquake, flood, tsunami
  • Provide accountability for allocations of budgets for rural women’s needs. Accountability for rural and to rural women needs new accountability designs with substantial participation of rural women themselves. Rural women must be engaged in accountability processes also as data verifiers.
  • Create enabling environments both legally and practically in order to stress the importance to have legal framework to support rural women’s property rights for increased control and ownership of assets by rural women, improve nutritional and water security and health, specifically of rural women
  • Protect rural and indigenous women’s legal rights in property distribution, marriage and reproductive health, political participation and other fields, and enabling women with equal opportunities for education, employment, property income and financial resources as well as providing abundant services.
  • Undertake gender budgeting and increase budget allocation for rural women’s economic empowerment at all levels.
  • Scale up and speed up effective strategies to support rural women’s involvement in small business and supporting women entrepreneurs and Increase strategies to support  economic security for women in rural areas.
  • Support strategies to increase women’s economic empowerment in disaster and conflict affected areas.
  • • Undertake a high level of accountability, and work with national and local rural feminist organisations to ensure effective measurement of women’s   economic empowerment