About Asia Pacific NGO CSW
The Asia and Pacific NGO Committee on the Status of Women, (NGO CSW/AP) was established in 2014 as a committee under the Conference of NGOs (CoNGO).
The Asia Pacific NGO CSW Committee aims to find different ways to bring together activists from across the Asia and Pacific region to prepare for the Commission on the Status of Women meetings in New York.
Asia Pacific NGO CSW enables members to network, share strategies and best practices, and lobby governments to implement resolutions and treaties they have signed.
Any regional documents developed through these gatherings will be shared with the NGO CSW / New York, UN Women and the United Nations and used to advocate at the Commission on the Status of Women each year.
Skill sharing takes place through sub-regional webinars and training. Key discussions can take place through live and interactive webinars that will be posted on the AP NGO CSW website.
Co-Chairs of Asia Pacific NGO CSW
Carole Shaw, Australia
Bandana Rana, Nepal